Local Activity Fund (LAF)
Link Officer:
Gordon Watson
Locality Health and Care Activity Fund (LAF)
Fund Purpose
Each locality host has responsibility for managing and administering a fund of £30,000 per year which provides small grants to community groups and voluntary organisations to deliver a new or improved activity to improve local wellbeing.
Funding Provider
Custodian Funding
£180k per annum
Recurrent or Fixed Term
Fund Start Date
Fund End Date
Award Process
- Once an application is approved by a Locality Consortia, the Host submits the following to the Community Solutions team;
- Copy of the original application
- LAF Sign-Off From with 3 authorising signatures
- An award letter is then issued directly to the organisation being funded, with the relevant Host copied in
- The funded project returns signed acceptance section of the award letter and an invoice for the full award amount, quoting the unique purchase number order, to SPO. All paperwork is saved in a Spoint folder and a link sent to Finance
- Once satisfied all paperwork is present and correct, Finance staff will process each invoice in Xero and SMCS approves it on system, Funds are then released to project in next payment run
Reporting by funded projects
Locality hosts submit a 6-month Interim Report to VANL on April-September in October and a 12-month End-of-project Report on October-March in April.
Reporting by VANL to funder
VANL reports on the locality health and care activity fund in the annual Community Solutions Impact and Learning report, with an aim to publish in September.